
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ted Butler on Gold Silver and the Metals Market

Ted’s work is followed by many institutions, such as Sprott Asset Management and PFS Group. He has researched the commodity markets actively for 3 decades. Internationally well known for his writings on silver, gold, commodities and the COT (commitment of traders) report. In this interview Ted discusses the gold and silver markets and the underlying commitment of traders report.

"Ted Butler has done more to bring the Commitment of Traders issue to everyone interested in this aspect of the metals market than anyone I know! Additionally, Ted has tirelessly used his expertise in reading and clarifying the COT to help others interested in this matter to better understand and appreciate its significance." David Morgan

After publishing unique precious metals commentary on the Internet since 1996, I have decided to offer a subscription service which can be found above in the box next to my exclusive King World News weekly interview. The main reason for the change is that I felt somewhat restricted by my weekly format. It is my intention to publish some commentary at least twice a week.

The commentary will include detailed analysis of the Commitment of Traders Report, regulatory developments, supply/demand considerations, and topics of interest to investors in precious metals, with an emphasis on silver. Subscribers will also be able to ask questions.

The service is intended to be source of market information for serious observers of the silver and gold markets, delivered in a no-nonsense manner. No bells and whistles, just unique and valuable content. Always outside the box.

Please note - this is not intended as investment advice and I am not an investment advisor. The service is solely for informational purposes

Ted Butler

Annual individual subscription rate $299 US, available by check or money order only. This is a savings of $120 per year and is an introductory rate only available until August 31, 2009.

Institutional (mining and financial companies) annual rate $799 US. Up to three users allowed. Check or money order only.

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