
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gold vs. Palladium

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Daniel Wills, senior analyst at ETF Securities, reveals why gold prices are struggling to find momentum while other precious metals are

Daniel Wills: ....We've seen a bit of pressure across commodity keenly from a slightly stronger you historical. Support also that other currencies. And the pressure particularly the Euro that was on that -- potential for a downgrade in. -- Elton -- head. Sovereignty downgraded. And also that the schooled stunned that message regarding. The -- feature me is that. Regarding the did he -- European Union --

Will said that holdings for the ETF securities physically active product like gold silver platinum are relatively unchanged. Reflecting uncertainty in the global market which -- only magnify. As the European debt crisis -- in 2011. And what did the flat.

PPI reading mean in the US mean from -- for the long term -- the way I see it at the mixed bag right. Well inflation means that gold being bought at the hedges and great idea and low inflation could mean more money printing and more QE on the road which -- be different -- what was your take.

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